Warning - I used to work in a cosmetic store and have a large makeup collection...I researched the internet to find the products I used or products that I felt will work as well as what I have. It's probably not the exact recipe the Gucci makeup artists used, but I test drove my combination and I think it works quite well.
1) Using a Kajal (or kohl) eyeliner in a medium purple, color your lids from the base of your eyelashes to the crease of your eye. (The color shouldn't be too lavender or eggplant.) I like the Pupa brand - it goes on smoothly which is important when covering such a large area of the lid.
2) Brush a white iridescent powder with blue undertone on top of the liner. It will look white in the container, but trust me, it will look more like a colored shimmer when smoothed on. I used Zhen Element Shimmer Powder in Earth. I also found 2 other iridescent shadows by Aromaleigh Cosmetics here...(I'd try the Blue Haze or Pixie Blue...)
The look in the ad is very dramatic and if it's a little scary for you try just doing this as a thick liner on your upper lid, which is actually what we did for these pictures.
To take the look even closer to the ad, line the bottom lid with black liner, starting thin at the inside of the eye and getting thicker as you move out. Smudge it carefully into the inner rim and just around the outside corner of the eye and blend into the purple. Use several coats of mascara on both upper and lower lashes.
If you're brave, use a dash of white liner below the black liner at the inside of the eye, which is what we did not do...too over the top for Texas.
Next, add attitude or find a jungle to sit in and you have your own Gucci ad.
Thank you J4.