I purchased this velvet blazer 2-3 years ago from Old Navy. Which means I didn't spend a lot on it because velvet in Texas is really hot and I wasn't sure how often I'd wear it so I didn't want to make a huge investment.

As it turns out, I love the cropped style, and it fits me quite well. I didn't wear it much last year but velvet seems to be making a come back for fall and I since I no longer have a dirty job (like last winter,) I think I'll get more use out of it. Except....

I hate the buttons! Some of the little gems have fallen out and I sort of think they make the jacket look cheap anyway.
So on to Joanne's. They had so many great buttons that I had a hard time making up my mind! I was torn between going in an 80's direction (think big, gold and Dynasty,) or upping the prep factor...

Prep factor won! And so did I! For under $10 and 30 minutes, I have a new velvet jacket that I can't wait to wear!

I'm thinking skinny jeans, something in a stripe for the top, boots and fingerless gloves...I can't wait to wear it!

Blurry button close up.
Now, if only it didn't happen to be 100+ outside...
wow, it turned out amazing!! unbelievable how much some buttons can do... make sure to post an outfit photo when the weather allows you to wear it!
those buttons did update it alot!
good idea :)
Oh! I like those buttons and the texture of the jacket looks so velvet-y and lovely! :D
Oooh, great idea! I love a lot!
The new buttons look great! I collect buttons so please send the old ones to me. Kidding. :)
I love the sleeve ends of the jacket, too!
thank you
and no it wasn't it was a blue romper i had but it did look like DD, i like that look maybe i'll try that next haha..
Yayay! I LOVE the addition of the new buttons - it adds a nautical flair to the jacket...tres cute!! :)
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I like how you always add something from yourself :) you're good in that :).
As for my job, it;s nothing special, but it is my first serious job in life :).
great DIY, love the nautical/military vibe it's gives to the blazer, now i'm praying for some coooold for you ;)
I definitely like the new buttons a lot better :)
Very well done! I really like the new nautical buttons.
I just love the new buttons!!! I do this all of the time because it really does transform the clothing. I should post some of mine too. You are so creative; thanks for the great post idea! =)
I often change some buttons,too.
Your jacket become cooler!!!
great difference! amazing change,
maxwell conrad
the new buttons look 100x better for sure. love it.
Fantastic jacket remodel, looks fabulous for winter. xo Mish
great upcycle! i love how the gold adds to it! can't wait to see it on you ;)
Love this lil makeover. What a difference a button makes!
P.S. It was so nice to meet you tonight at El Happy Hour.
Super Chic, i love the buttons J...so good to see you yesterday also! Wish we could have chatted more, looking forward to the next one =)
nice make over!
those buttons did upgrade the blazer a lot!
wish to have one too. esp. when im so much in love with velvet right now.
I love the buttons Joy! Velvet, brings back memories of the 80's :)
Drastic improvement! It was great to meet you the other day at HH!
Good choice with the new buttons, it looks amazing! I really do love velvet, I always end up stroking my arms LOL x
Love the buttons you picked out! I change out the buttons on my outerwear, too.
so funny, because i've been thinking about getting a preppy jacket and putting Joanns buttons on it (I love the ones you picked). I've done button upgrades on two things so far. military green jacket from Loft and a black coat from Essex. I put military brass buttons on my black coat to make it look like military coat. need to do a post about it.
anyway, thanks for sharing your pictures!!! i like new preppy style! i saw these roayl blue flats at Goodwill with a golden embellishment on it. looked so cute, but was tiny for my giant feet! lol
hi! it's me again. I just wanted to let you know you inspired me to change buttons on my black blazer. Please take a look and let me know what you think about it.
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