Happy New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful New Year's Eve and you're ready to make 2011 better than 2010. I know I am. (Doesn't that top most everyone's to do list at the beginning of each year?)
Anyway, I don't usually make resolutions because A) I have very little will power and B) I hate to fail at anything, especially a goal that I set for myself. For example, as some of you may know, I used to smoke and thankfully I have given up that habit, but for several years I promised myself that I would quit when the new year arrived and for several years, I failed miserably. And I mean MISERABLY!

Photo from gearfuse.com
Well, not this badly, but I'd be fine for about the first 3 hours after waking up on January 1st, but then I would hide in bathrooms, garages wherever I could to sneak a smoke, not wanting to admit that I had been beaten by a Camel when I had so proudly (and drunkenly) proclaimed the night before that I would be quitting. Yes, it's been over 5 years since my last, and I don't plan on picking one up anytime soon, but I have to say I miss it. I really don't mind a manly fragrance mixed with a little tobacco and maybe tend to breath in a little more deeply than normal when encountering a cloud of this combination...
But I digress. This year I have set some goals for myself and I really intend to follow through. The first, which I know is on many lists, is to up my physical fitness. Fortunately I got what I wanted for Christmas...

Photo from amazon.com
Yup. I too will get to dance along with a simulated Michael in the privacy of my own home. I've already tried it and I can tell you not only will it leave me with some great moves but also a firmer butt. Super fun, but super hard! On one of the trailers it shows a group of people at a house party playing along, but I've decided that maybe this isn't a good idea with a drinking crowd...I have visions of broken limbs, heart attacks and possibly a smashed TV...
I've also decided that I need to keep track of my money a little bit better. So not only will I be keeping and recording my receipts on a daily basis, but I'll be cutting back on my shopping as well. (This might be harder than quitting the cigs!) Although I made sure to do it right and during the last shopping hours of 2010 purchased a great Ella Moss top...

Sneak peak of the tribal print....Outfit post to come. What can I say? I had a little Christmas money and it was on sale. (And oh yeah, I scored a great skirt the day before this.) One extra item I'd love to to add to my closet is a new pair of flats (I can't believe I just admitted to flats...) but that's really all that's left on my list. This means I'll have to be a little more creative and finally take care of all the alterations that have been sitting in my closet for the past year. I'm hoping to save enough money to take a proper vacation this year...
All right, 2 resolutions is enough for me. I don't want to set myself up for complete failure.
Anyone have any tips on how to pass that 50% off sale sign that happens to be shouting at me every time I walk by Ann Taylor Loft?