I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful New Year's Eve and you're ready to make 2011 better than 2010. I know I am. (Doesn't that top most everyone's to do list at the beginning of each year?)
Anyway, I don't usually make resolutions because A) I have very little will power and B) I hate to fail at anything, especially a goal that I set for myself. For example, as some of you may know, I used to smoke and thankfully I have given up that habit, but for several years I promised myself that I would quit when the new year arrived and for several years, I failed miserably. And I mean MISERABLY!

Well, not this badly, but I'd be fine for about the first 3 hours after waking up on January 1st, but then I would hide in bathrooms, garages wherever I could to sneak a smoke, not wanting to admit that I had been beaten by a Camel when I had so proudly (and drunkenly) proclaimed the night before that I would be quitting. Yes, it's been over 5 years since my last, and I don't plan on picking one up anytime soon, but I have to say I miss it. I really don't mind a manly fragrance mixed with a little tobacco and maybe tend to breath in a little more deeply than normal when encountering a cloud of this combination...
But I digress. This year I have set some goals for myself and I really intend to follow through. The first, which I know is on many lists, is to up my physical fitness. Fortunately I got what I wanted for Christmas...

Yup. I too will get to dance along with a simulated Michael in the privacy of my own home. I've already tried it and I can tell you not only will it leave me with some great moves but also a firmer butt. Super fun, but super hard! On one of the trailers it shows a group of people at a house party playing along, but I've decided that maybe this isn't a good idea with a drinking crowd...I have visions of broken limbs, heart attacks and possibly a smashed TV...
I've also decided that I need to keep track of my money a little bit better. So not only will I be keeping and recording my receipts on a daily basis, but I'll be cutting back on my shopping as well. (This might be harder than quitting the cigs!) Although I made sure to do it right and during the last shopping hours of 2010 purchased a great Ella Moss top...
All right, 2 resolutions is enough for me. I don't want to set myself up for complete failure.
Anyone have any tips on how to pass that 50% off sale sign that happens to be shouting at me every time I walk by Ann Taylor Loft?
Hope you had a wonderful New Year! I need to keep track of my spending too haha.
May we be strong enough to keep our "less shopping" resolution. Haha!
Happy new year! :)
happy new year! less shopping is one of my new year's resolutions too, but being a shopaholic, i've decided to simply cut down on the "ooh, sale! i don't know if i really like this item, but it's so cheap i just have to buy it", because most of that stuff usually ends up in the back of my closet anyway...
I always suck in my resolutions so this year I didn;t even though of any :D.
Happy New Year, my dear!
Oh you dont have to tell me how bloody hard quitting smoking is, although I did decide to quit and just do it in one fail swoop. Mind you I did find myself shuffling up to people smoking on the tram station, and having a good passive smoke ;-) ad yep 4 years on and some days I could still relapse!
Happy, Happy New Year!! :)
oooh that tribal print looks so interesting! Can't wait to see it.
That print is crazy gorgeous! J'adore Ella Moss! Happy new year!
happy new year! we still need to see that movie together.
....and OMG michael jackson wii!!!! what a wonderful way to get in shape! moonwalking your way into a firmer butt sounds fun and not so tedious at all.
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