As I mentioned last post, I recently went to a clothing swap. For those of you who have never been to a swap, check out there's a great video about it. ( was also the organizer of the swap I attended.) Anyway, here's what I managed to snag...

Most items I grabbed happened to be white, not something I planned, but I like it all! I adore the anchor mini, which will be perfect with espadrilles to make me feel like I'm ready for a trip! The tunic beneath the skirt is so light weight and exactly what I'll need for the upcoming Texas summer, (or this coming's supposed to be around 90 already...) It's hard to see it from the picture but some of the flowers on it are metallic silver, so fun!

See, more white! These will probably be stored until next winter. I envision the basic black and white cardi as a closet classic and how can you say no to the vintagey style of the pull over behind it?

This one isn't white but it is a neutral nude tone. And very summer sexy! It's a flowy silk top with an almost open back except for the zipper that runs down it. I think it might be my favorite find!

The only colorful item in my bag was this oversized cardi and I am a little obsessed with it. Check out those gold buttons! I hope I can get one wear in before it gets too hot!

Some of the items I grabbed had little tags on them like the one above with the names and blogs of the people who had previously loved them, so you could tag them...such a great idea!
Anchor skirt...Hannah from
A Quiet StyleWhite cardi w/black trim...Lacy from
Electric ElmoNude silk top...Katy from
Kansas CoutureColorful cardi...
Market PubliqueAnd last but not least, the winner of the warrior ring is #2 AH from the blog
Confessions of an Anonymous Shopaholic! Hooray AH! (Leave me your email so I can send it to you!)