This collection happened by accident, over time...

Every girl should have a cocktail ring in her arsenal!

I love the vibrant color, I love the clean, modern shape, it's made out of wood and this was one of my $1 spring time!

It's just so cute!

More shine...

This was an Xmas gift from my Sister J4 a few years ago and probably my favorite!
I'm not sure when this all got started, maybe with the cocktail ring...I only realized it recently while going through a jewelry box. Now that I think about it, I used to some how collect green sweaters without realizing it...
Anyone else have an accidental collection?
lovely rings. i can't make up which i want most.
love them all! the dog one is so cute! and the cocktail ring looks amazing! i have an accidental collection of black tops... somehow, i almost always buy a black top when i go shopping, so my closet is in need of some other colours for summer...
I love green...I have a all colection of rings!
I love the rings i have a black one simular to the second on i like your blog pretty unique
check me out sometime
i dont have alot of green in my closet, i really need more!
i actually love the color green and the way you layed the rings out i gotta say its very nice i love your blog 2 just dropping by nef d
green is always a nice color. those are some pretty rings. :)
& i gave you a blog award in my last post! :D
That first ring is crazy pretty!
Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog btw, it meant alot to me
i love the last one! so unique!
i have so many different types of collections!!
Beautiful rings, I adore cocktail rings as well :) And hmm, for me I might have to look through my things to see a trend I probably didn't notice haha. I know I have a lot of blue & gray in my closet though lol.
i love that first one xoxox
I love this post, so simple, and awesome. I love the green stripes you used as a backdrop as well ;) that little doggie ring is just TOO CUTE!!
Yes, I agree every girl should have a fabulous and special cocktail ring. I have about
I love how much green you have in your collection. The birthstone of a taurus. xo Mish
oh wow i am drooling over this collection of rings!! i love green rings, and each one of yours is so unique and different. ~joelle
Cocktail rings are my OBSESSION! Oddly enough, I have an accidental arsenal of pendant necklaces. I truly have no clue how I accumulated so many of them; it's as if they materialized out of thin air! :)
I think the Agatha ring is very cute. I'm never a fan of green. I prefer red. But my sister is all about green :)
I love the first one! I don;t wear rings but I would love to have that one! :).
beautiful rings
i like first one very cute
I love the color green and these rings are perfect. I collect purses... well, I'm more addicted to them!
I can't believe you just up and moved! That's fabulous and so inpsiring.
I love finger candy and I love green, therefore I love all your fabulous pieces...especially that last one!
the little animal ring is my favorite!! soo cute :))
let's see i have a collection of scarves and books and records. but i want to start collecting jewelry or shoes! if only my bank account allows me to..
these are amazing! i love the first and the third, they are beyond words.
i'm kind of obsessed with my own ring collection... i blog about them all the time, it's kind of embarrassing! i worry that my readers might think i actually am obsessed... oh well.
love our blog!
x jessy
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